Implementation Plan

Scorecard template with tee times

Scorecard template with tee times

An implementation plan is highly recommended. We suggest the following items be considered carefully:

The Pace of Play Policy – if you already have a pace of play policy, it may be a simple exercise to modify it slightly to accommodate the way mPace Manager software works. Changes tie the policy to the system by providing a consistent use of language. The Policy changes then need to be approved by the Club and published as reference wherever is it normally published. A note in the Club Newsletter should just draw members’ attention to the updated wording of the policy.


The Scorecard Card template – If you do not yet have it, miClub provides a card printing template giving the tee times for each tee time, for each tee on the card. The template still provides plenty of space with other columns for all normal scoring activities. We highly recommend adopting this card template. Once the system is adopted, it provides members a very good reference to their position in the field without having to do wild manual timing calculations on their own.


Card Scanning – If you can improve access to the scanner such that it is ‘in the way’ of people exiting the course, then we’d recommend that. If they already have a good habit of scanning straight after their round, then there’s no problem.


Member EducationAn article in the Club Newsletter should be placed for two weeks, or in two editions running, to alert members to the system and any slight changes to the policy. Attached is a suggested newsletter story which could be published twice initially and then perhaps re-worded slightly and run from time to time.


Template Email Wording – Soft copies of sample wording for the Gap letter and Late Swipe Letter are contained in this file. The wording also needs to be approved by the Club and then installed into the templates in the software. Once approved meta can assist in installing the initial templates.


Round Times – We’d also recommend your policy provide for a slightly higher round time for stroke events. We suggest 4hrs 25mins. In our experience once the system is operating, round times for stroke rounds very rarely breach this time period across the field. Members will, however, object strenuously over not being given an extra allowance for stroke play. It’s good to let them have it first off. It’s very hard to argue that extra time is not warranted.