Add Purchased Stone


Purchased stone is entered via the Edit|Add Purchased Stone main menu option. Each batch of stone is permanently recorded in this view. Batches are identified by a unique number and by the date on which the batch was created.


The Show Batches button will move the main panel to the right and reveal the list of batches processed so far. This list can be removed from view when entering line items by clicking the same button again.

Create a new batch with the "New Batch" button. Enter line items as usual in the lower panel and include the appropriate dimensions and stock code details. Volume and Mass fields are automatically calculated when you save the edits or press the enter key.


Print the batch items for a permanent record of the batch details and ensure that the total item count matches documentation provided as well as total volume invoiced.


Submit the batch to the database with the "Insert Batch" button. If the batch has been submitted already, this action will terminate with a message to that effect.


Submitting the batch to the database will create appropriate transactions in the block transactions list and remove the active status of the batch to prevent re-submission of the same batch.