The scanner must be pre-loaded with lookup files prior to being taken into the field.


There are 3 files in this export:

block lookup (blocklu.txt) - a list of all blocks in the database which are located in the field

location lookup (loclu.txt) - a list of the warehoues

stock lookup (stcoklu.txt) - a list of the stockocdes


Sample Block Lookup File:

0900010000046008,6215,Sandy Point,9,1,0,0,0,2200,1750,700,10058766
0900010000046415,6279,Sandy Point,9,1,0,0,0,2200,1350,900,10058774
0900010000046637,5930,Sandy Point,9,1,0,0,0,1800,1000,900,10058758


Sample Location Lookup File

9,Sandy Point


Sample Stock Lookup File

10000001,Harris St-Minister's-Quarry Block
10000081,Capricorn Buff-Client-Quarry Block
10000388,Appin-Stoneyard-Quarry Block
10000396,Capricorn Buff-Stoneyard-Slab