FBReplicator: Current Version
The following downloads are provided “as-is”. No warranty, implicit or explicit, is made for the operation or functioning of the software provided. Enjoy. But you must be registered to download the files, just so I know how much real interest there is in them.
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This is the latest version of FBReplicator. This version is the same as version 4.1 except that idbc.dll has been modified. There is no need to download this entire setup to move from 4.1 to 4.2, Download and replace your ibdc.dll only (contained here) to upgrade from 4.1.
Version 4.3.0
Released May, 2006
Change log
- Modified Replication Manager to fill screen
- Fixed bug in “Edit Target Database” screen and update procedure
Version 4.2.0
Released May, 2006
Change log
- Modified ibdc.dll code to prevent transformation of scaled integers. Numeric, Decimal types were being re-scaled upon storage at the target.
Version 4.1.0
Released May, 2006
Change log
- Fixed bug with ReplManager to allow addition of target databases
- Fixed bug with ReplManager Preferences to allow for test email
- Enhanced ReplManager to provide for better form design on different screen sizes
- Changed ReplManager to run maximized
- Changed all icons to new form
- Updated to Indy 10 component set for all three packages